Does Editing Matter?

Do edits matter?

Yes and no.

why yes?

They can help a viewer stay engaged.

Sound effects can subtly keep you there like using ‘risers’ in your intros.

Having the angle change, having a zoom in, zoom out,

having b-roll to paint a picture.

YES, these things matter and are important


what will always trump the edit is what the heck you’re saying.

If what you’re saying isnt interesting enough, isn’t bring some kind of emotion,

the TONE that you’re using is boring, isnt bringing enough important

information, isnt entertaining enough…


the edit wont save you.

What you’re saying edit > Edit

What you’re saying ✅ + edit ✅ = Great video.

Focus on what you’re saying first, everything else comes after.

I say all of this while having a content agency so I speak from experience!

Apart from that, I have videos that have MUCH crazier edits that dont perform

as good as simple edits.

It’s all in what you’re saying!

As Always,

Happy Creating

Ismael Marquez