Making Content Frictionless

Easy steps to create consistently

Do you ever feel like not filming? Or you find that super tiny excuse to not film like having to set up for it? That was me for the longest time but I was able to get around that by implementing a few things I will cover down below.

What allowed me to create content more consistently was making the process as frictionless as possible. If there’s too much effort required to get something done, we’re less likely to do it.

I limited the amount of friction for creating content by doing these simple steps:

  1. Microphone Placement

I always have my lav mic set up next to my camera. In fact, I always have the receiver attached to the camera already. That’s one less step I have to do to set up.

  1. Lighting

I always gave myself the excuse of not filming during the day because the blinds I had would still allow outside light to come in even when closed. I know I need full control of lighting to get the look I like so filming during the day is “impossible”. To fix this, I got black out curtains from Target. All it took was a $30 investment to create less friction to create content. Now I’m in control of all the light inside of the room.

Another thing was always having to set up my soft box light. I hated always having to fold it up and put it in my closet and having to un fold it when it came time to film. Instead, I now have it in the corner of my room ready for filming. It’s actually in the exact spot I need it to be in. I literally now only have to flick the switch on and I have my lighting ready…

  1. Content Ideas

I film in batches. I’ve found thats what allowed me to post the most consistently. To make filming a smooth process, I don’t want to have to think right on the spot for filming. “I didn’t film because I don’t have any ideas”.

Whenever I think of an idea, I write it down in Notion where I keep a list of content ideas. I do rough bullet points of things I want to talk about and then when it comes time to film, I open up notion and have content ideas ready to go. I dont have to sit there and think on the spot of what to talk about. A low effort video to make is filming yourself throughout the day and added text over it.

If you ever need help with coming up with content that is appropriate for your brand and goals, or need help deciding what that is, don’t hesitate to send me a DM!

  1. Back Drop

I made 3 of my 4 walls backdrops for my videos. I never have to set them up. One wall has shelves, another has a peel and stick concrete look, and the other is my desk set up as a backdrop. This was done intentionally so that I dont have to set anything up and can film anywhere in my room.

Happy Creating Everyone 🫡

- Ismael Marquez