This Will Help You Make Content FAST

(thank me later)

Good ol content creation.

We know we should do it, but its time consuming.

We got to look somewhat decent

set up the tripod

attach the camera

mic yourself up

get some decent lighting


Yes all of that is TRUE.

But if you didn’t know…

when you film those videos, they really serve as two.

I call them LE videos, or “low effort”

Low effort videos are videos that use existing b-roll/Old footage.

You put your value or message through text on the video.

These videos dont take long to make. 10-15 minutes as MOST.

Making low effort videos helps me stay consistent with posting since it wont

take much time for me to create one.

It is similar to a talking head video, you’re just delivering the message through text.

That’s what a lot of us have to realize. Content can be delivered in so many

different ways. It doesn’t have to be a talking head every single time!

If you need help reviewing your content (for free), please DM me on IG!

// Ismael Marquez